These pumps can be classified as friction machines. The impeller is used in these pumping units to take pumped substance from the channel’s inner part and to discharge it into the outer part, resulting in a longitudinal vortex. While operating liquid flows through an impeller in this type of pumps, liquid speed and pressure grows. The impeller with blades (inclined or radial) is a key element in a vortex pumping unit. The impeller rotates in a cylindrical casing with small end gaps. The operating substance is delivered into the channel, flows through it and goes out through the discharge outlet.
In accordance with the impeller type, closed and open vortex pumping units are classified into closed and open ones.
Closed-type pumping units have an impeller with short blades, with the inner radius equal to that for the channel. Substance moves from the suction pipe to the channel.
In open-type units, the channel’s inner radius is greater than the respective radius for blades. Operating fluid flows from the suction pipe, through the intake pipe, suction port and impeller blades, towards the channel. Then, it flows through the channel and the pressure port to the discharge pipe.
The vortex pump advantages include high level of pressure produced by these pumps, their design cost-effectiveness, self-suction capability, and capability to operate with gas-liquid mixtures. The disadvantages include low efficiency (≤45% in operation mode) and inappropriateness for operation with liquids containing abrasive particles (this makes the pump worn quickly).
Vortex pumping units are actively applied in chemical industry for delivery of corrosive liquids (such as acids, alkali etc.). In this application field, low discharge in combination with high head is necessary, because the chemical reaction rate is rather low, while pressure and resistance in reactors are quite high.
Due to vortex pumps capability to operate with liquid-gas mixtures, these units are used pump gasoline, alcohols and ethers (i.e. highly volatile liquids). For example, these pumps are widely used at fueling stations for aircrafts and motor cars. In these applications, vortex pumps are activated for short times; so, their low efficiency is not of great importance. This type of pumping plants is also widely used to deliver gas-saturated liquids (such as propane or butane).
Vortex pumps are used at small automatic pumping stations in rural water supply systems, as components of utilities, as pumps for car washing (due to low discharges and high heads), as feed pumps in boiler plants, as compressors and vacuum pumps, and in systems for liquefied gas pumping.
We are convinced that our company LLC «Intech GmbH» will become your reliable and efficient distributor (authorized representative) of your vortex pumps in the Russian market.